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Disc-O-Bed and One Tribe are working together to make a lasting impact for the better of our planet. As a company that was born and has its roots in Africa, it was important to Disc-O-Bed to not only reduce deforestation and GreenHouse Gas emissions, but also support impoverished communities within the continent. This is why they chose to assist with the Energy Effiicent Cookstove Project in Uganda and the Safe Water Project in Rwanda.

Disc-O-Bed is participating in the United Nations Framework for Climate Change to adopt the UN Sustainability Goals. Working together as one tribe to help fight climate change together.

climate action hero

action hero

United Nations Sustainability Goals

tribe logo
trees from above
trees protected

trees protected

We are one tribe

Climate Action Stats

trees protected

trees protected

carbon stored

tonnes carbon stored

acres saved

acres saved

acres saved

car emissions removed

Aerial top down view of fern forest.
[object Object]

carbon tCO2e Offset

Many different coloured hands rested on a log.
[object Object]

communities supported

Bottom up view of tropical plants in a jungle.
[object Object]

projects funded

Sappling in cupped hands.
[object Object]

UN SDG's achieved

Disc-O-Bed Carbon Projects

Rehabilitation of Water Wells
Rwanda Safe Water Project

Learn more

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One Tribe is a Climate Action Platform enabling businesses and their customers to make a positive environmental impact.
