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Tilbury Douglas

Tilbury Douglas and One Tribe are working with the United Nations Framework for Climate Change to adopt the UN Sustainability Goals. The projects we support adhere to several of the goals. Working together in partnership to help fight climate change by reducing CO2 in our atmosphere.

Carbon sequestered

tonnes carbon emissions offset

We are one tribe

Climate Action Stats

Aerial top down view of fern forest.
[object Object]

carbon tCO2e Offset

Bottom up view of tropical plants in a jungle.
[object Object]

projects funded

Sappling in cupped hands.
[object Object]

UN SDG's achieved

Carbon Offset

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Renewable Solar Power Project

Generating Renewable Energy installed in Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Rajasthan states of India with a total capacity of 940 MW solar power.

Project Status

VCS Registered


Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh states

Project Type

Renewable Energy

Estimated Annual Emissions

1,553,021 tonnes CO2

Crediting Period Term

28/9/2017 - 27/9/2027

Community Impact

Local employment opportunities

Renewable Solar Power Project project image

Carbon Offset

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Vishnuprayag Hydro-electric Project

This project is a run-of-the-river hydroelectric system that supplies renewable energy to the Indian grid.

Project Status

VCS Registered



Project Type

Renewable Energy

Estimated Annual Emissions

1,468,106 tonnes CO2

Crediting Period Term

03/6/2006 - 02/6/2016

Community Impact

Local employment opportunities

Vishnuprayag Hydro-electric Project project image
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One Tribe is a Climate Action Platform enabling businesses and their customers to make a positive environmental impact.